Dimensions: About 7.5cm in length and 2cm in breath.
Function: General Protection, Opposite Sex Attraction, Metta (Loving-Kindness; this increases the chances of people being kind to you and wanting to help you), Luck in general.
To let go for S$40
Below: An artist's vision of what the temple would look like after it is rebuilt or expanded.
Below: One of the amulet counters in Wat Chedi Hoy.
Below: LP Thong Gleung kindly agreed to have some pictures taken with me after the re-blessing of the amulets/items I got from his temple.
Above: Video clip of LP Chamnan blessing me and the amulets I got from him. He wrote yant on one of them (the Nak Prok amulet).
(Next stop: To see LP Thong Gleung of Wat Chedi Hoy, Pathum Thani province; to be continued...)